Be a Part of the Solution to the Climate Emergency.

Copernican provides sustainable energy solutions, tailored to local markets.  Solving the climate crisis is at the heart of our mission. 


Clean Energy

Electricity from solar helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces air pollution. Solar reduces our collective dependence on fossil fuels, which emit harmful gases that are the primary cause of air pollution and global climate change. Additionally, fossil fuels, such as natural gas and coal, are finite in availability. The sun is a renewable source - there is no limit to the amount of energy we can harness from it!


Cost Reduction

You can expect your energy bills to drop significantly as a result of a solar installation. How much, exactly, will be dependent on the size of the solar system, your roof’s (or land’s) average exposure to sunlight, and your current electricity usage. If you are a business using commercial solar panels, the switch can have huge benefits because of the size of the system we are able to install on your property. Even if you live somewhere with less than average sunlight exposure, indirect, or diffused, sunlight will still help to reduce your overall energy costs or provide you with passive income.

Become a solar host.

Invest with us.